Feliksa Jasienski's collection
Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie
I wanted to understand why anyone would have over three rooms filled with "Japanese stuff". Lots of Utagawa Hiroshige's wood prints were on display. In another room was a painting of Asian yellow face. The title of the show, "Long Live Art! From Japan to Europe. Beautiful and Useful Objects"
This coloring book featured japanese line art for adults to color in the Muzeum Narodowe W Krakowie. I saw a lot of prints, books about Japanese textile, women and culture and it made me wonder why they were for sale in the book store. It turns out that there was a private collection on view. This collection included many different artist's work in progress and prints, however the Musuem choose to focus on Feliksa Jasienski's Asian Collection.
This journal cover is a painting titled "Japonka" by Jozef Pankiewicz (1866-1940), which is on display at the Muzeum Narodowe W Krakowie. This collection included many different artist's work in progress and prints, however the Musuem choose to focus on Feliksa Jasienski's Asian Collection. Jasienski's collection comes off a weeaboo-ish. Like many artist and collectors during the 1800s, Jasienski collected exotic and oriental works.
My friend and I also visited a building called the Manggha Center in Krakow. After visiting Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, things are falling into place as to why Krakow has a Manggha Center (museum that exhibits Jasienski's manga collection and other contemporary works).
Feliksa Jasienski's collection was for viewing at one of the branches of The National Museum in Kraków. Went on whim after visiting the gift shop. The shop was filled with his collections of Japanese Manga, prints, textiles and etc. I wanted to understand why anyone would have over three rooms filled with "Japanese stuff". Lots of Utagawa Hiroshige's wood prints were on display. In another room was a painting of Asian yellow face. The title of the show, "Long Live Art! From Japan to Europe. Beautiful and Useful Objects"
I wondered if the translation was throwing me off in the overall experience of Jasienski's private collection... I paid close attention to the choice of words and the works that this person was interested in.
This painting was located right next to the kimono worn by the figure, all apart of Jasienski's private collection. Notice the figure facing away from the viewer, the neck being a focal point, sexualizing, exotifying through textiles and motifs in kimonos.
Upon seeing this, I was working really hard to convince myself in my head that it could be pure coincidence that the figure is looking away from the observers. However I know, this is not coincidence. It's definitely about the western male gaze and exotification of the Asian female body.
I didn't catch the name of the artist who painted this portrait, however the mark making looks similar to Jozef Pankiewicz who painted Japonka (Japanese Women).
The quoted comes off as an observation/comment regarding the artist's experiences with Japanese art.
What bothers me is that the statement comes off voyeuristic, in a mystifying way. I do not see Japanese art the way Jasienski does, and nor do I support his opinions on his "Asian" collection.
Cut paper, I didn't catch the name of the artist who created these.
(View from the Window over the Uchikawa River, Forests behind the Suijin Temple and Sekiya Village, plate 47 from the series One Hundred Famous Views of Edo)
Color woodblock print, paper
Aside from the advertisement of Feliksa Jasienski's Japanese collection, he also had a large collection of furniture, prints and paintings by Polish artist. I saw a few prints done by Goya that I have never seen before.
Jasienski's collection of of mangas all hand made, wood block prints. I was very shocked (in a good way) to see such an interesting collection books.
Seeing these works made me think about traditional art making process that are very old and yet prevalent in Japanese comics today.
Jasienski's got a rather large collection of Hokusai's sketches and prints. Underneath these cases was a drawer that people can pull open and there's more books! I was so shocked to see these I spent close to one hour just looking.
(Manga - Random sketches, Vol. 5)
1st half of the 19th Century.
Color woodblock print, paper
(Manga - Random Sketches, Vol. 7)
1st half of the 19th C.
Color woodblock print, paper
(Manga - Random Sketches, vol. 9)
1st half of the 19th c.
Color woodblock print, paper
A Tale of Knights, 1836
Color woodblock print, paper
I kept thinking to myself that this comment was unnecessary in this show, however at the same time it made a lot of sense that quotes such as this one was included. This was Feliksa Jasienski's private collection, ultimately about Jasienski, his views, and interest in the art, the exotic and orient.
The Feliks Jasienski Museum, Przed/ before 1906
Pastel, charcoal, paper
This artist illustrated yellow goblin like figure also known as the classic representation of yellow face. No female figures depicted here, however the yellow goblin figure emasculates the Asian male figure, I believe, also contributing to the hyper sexualization and exotification of the Asian female body.