Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Saturday, May 15, 2021 8:10-9:40 am PST - 10:10-12:40 pm CST
Register for the conference: https://bit.ly/3ehFU1B
Making and Unmaking Hmong Spaces of Research
conversing at the intersection of research and artistic practice
This virtual conversation is a part of the 2nd Annual SEASGRAD Student Conference, Making and Unmaking Southeast Asian Spaces hosted by the Southeast Asian Studies Graduate Student Association at UC Riverside.
May Yang | hauntie Artist, Poet, & Graduate Student Researcher Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, University of California, Merced
Magnolia Yang Sao Yia Dance artist, PhD student in Critical Dance Studies, Designated Emphasis in Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, Riverside
Sun Ny Vang (Moob Leeg) Musician, PhD student in Ethnomusicology, Designated Emphasis in Native American Studies, University of California, Davis
Kuab Maiv Yaj, Koua Mai Yang Artist based in Twin-Cities, MN
Ma Vang Assistant Professor of Critical Race and Ethnic Studies University of California, Merced